About Emery School of Coffee (ESC)


Emery School of Coffee (ESC) 

|The Specialty Coffee Experience|

At Emery School of Coffee (ESC), we invite you to experience specialty coffee with us. ESC strives to make specialty coffee appealing, familiar and inclusive to consumers from all walks of life. 

At the training centre, we offer leisure coffee workshops, in-house certification programs, competition coaching, private training & consultation, as well as the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) sanctioned courses. We are one of the few qualified trainers who are able to deliver multiple modules under the SCA: Introduction to Coffee, Barista Skills, Brewing Skills, Sensory Skills & Roasting Skills. 

At our roastery, we offer a selection of freshly roasted specialty coffee beans, including everything from unique blends to single origins, and dark roasts to filter roasts. Rest assured, we have profiles to suit every preference.

Emery School of Coffee wants to you to fall in love with coffee and to never look back again :)