This course is an intensive 3-day course that focuses on the scientific and technical analysis of brewed coffee. This course allows one to gain an in-depth understanding on the various factors that affect coffee brewing, which includes comprehensive evaluation of the SCA Brewing control chart, grinder analysis, brewing temperature, brewing time, brewing methods, turbulence & water chemistry.
This course is suitable for learners who are interested to participate in barista & brewing competitions, or those whose have roles in the quality control
Completion of the SCA Brewing Skills Foundation & Intermediate earns you 15 points towards the SCA Coffee Diploma System
Prerequisite: None (No prior bar experience required)
Course Time: 10 am to 5-6 pm
Course Duration: 7-8 training hours
Course Fees are inclusive of the following
- One-time SCA Brewing Skills Foundation Examination & Certification
- One-time SCA Brewing Skills Intermediate Examination & Certification
- Light lunch on each training day
- Supplies & training materials
Contact us at esc@emery.coffee for a bundled pricing when you sign up for two (2) or more courses with us.